Welcome to Drop School, an eight-week journey in which WePresent will teach you how to build hype around your products as a fashion designer. In episode three, Jordy learns how to make sure his product is produced to the highest possible quality for the most profitable margin.
This Episode
If you’re wearing expensive shit, you’re going to want to make expensive shit. And it’s expensive to make expensive shit.
As Jordy’s mentor and celebrity stylist Alizé Demange says, “It’s probably the hardest part of building a brand: getting your samples right, getting your numbers right, finding the right manufacturer.” Jordy has learnt this the hard way—he’s already on his third sample. It takes time and money to get these sorted and find the right reliable business partner.
In this challenge, through trying to find the right partner, Jordy travels to Paris to learn that he is able to increase his price point. “Why would you give Vivienne Westwood 600 and give yourself 120?” asks expert Pablo Attal who spots Jordy’s designer trainers. They both agree that Jordy’s low price point is down to him doubting himself. The key to making money is by maximizing your profits and being bold and brave about it.

The Expert
Pablo Attal, entrepreneur at Pablo T-Shirt Factory, the factory that manufactures tees for Corteiz and Soho Yacht Club.
The Learnings
“I have two legs, two arms—fuck it. I’m going to rule the world.”
“A lot of people think they want a Nike collab, but they don’t; they want the title. Try and solve the equation of how great I want to be and what greatness means to me.”
“The key is in the margin. Every product you price needs to reflect what you want to do with the money you make in the margin.”